If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?
When I'm in need of inspiration, I often turn to my favorite piece of fiction for a little pick me up. I pick a book or movie, let myself get sucked in, and then let my imagination go wild. I play my favorite scenes over in my head, changing points of view, and trying to relate to the different characters. Sometimes I make up my own character and imagine how the story would change with my influence.
The characters I gravitate towards are always the same: strong, intelligent, and independent with at least one major character flaw or weakness to keep her relate-able and vulnerable. Being the hero is great, but every once in a while it is fun to be saved too.
I've come to discover that my favorite characters have the characteristics I strive for in my self. Ok, I don't strive to have one major character flaw or weakness, but you get the idea. Imagining myself as these characters helps inspire me to be the ideal person I want to be. Imagining myself as a Frodo in Lord of the Rings often inspires me to go for a loooooooooong walk. Imagining myself as Goldmund in Narcissus and Goldmund inspires me to create art. Imagining myself as Hermione in Harry Potter inspires me want to research something. My research is usually for a good recipe or birthday present instead of a way to defeat evil. Equally important.
What piece of fiction has inspired you?
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